
Thursday, 15 March 2018

Chocolate Muffin

Chocolate Muffin
Today in food tech we made Chocolate Muffin, but not only  ordinary chocolate muffins hard work special and tasty muffins. As we finished cooking the muffins we added a little chocolate sauce, it was simply delicious.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Making Pasta Salad

                         Pasta Salad                                    
         1)        2 cup of water into the pot and boil.
      2)     Add pasta and cook until soft, add the corn.
      3)    Drain under cold water use the colander
      1) Dice onion and fry until cook
      2) Add the ham
      3) Cool it down
      1) Combine everything and mix it with mayonnaise.
     - serve on with small bowl
( Food more flavour you could add salt)
I really enjoyed eating some healthy food combined with some ham and pasta.